• The port-Hamiltonian framework as a comprehensive approach to model and simulate complex systems
  • Bassi, Luca <1980>


  • ING-INF/04 Automatica


  • This thesis describes modelling tools and methods suited for complex systems (systems that typically are represented by a plurality of models). The basic idea is that all models representing the system should be linked by well-defined model operations in order to build a structured repository of information, a hierarchy of models. The port-Hamiltonian framework is a good candidate to solve this kind of problems as it supports the most important model operations natively. The thesis in particular addresses the problem of integrating distributed parameter systems in a model hierarchy, and shows two possible mechanisms to do that: a finite-element discretization in port-Hamiltonian form, and a structure-preserving model order reduction for discretized models obtainable from commercial finite-element packages.


  • 2009-04-16


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Bassi, Luca (2009) The port-Hamiltonian framework as a comprehensive approach to model and simulate complex systems, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Automatica e ricerca operativa , 21 Ciclo.
