- L'attrazione sessuale: processi psichici e strumenti di indagine.
L'adattamento italiano del Cuestionario de Atraccion sexual
- M-PSI/08 Psicologia clinica
- The sexual attraction is a complex emotional event, with somatic modifications, that like all the emotions, belongs to the psychic dimension and that, too much simply, can be led back, from a explicative point of view, to biological and psychical causes. The sexual attraction represents a personal experience, that is difficult to record, but of which every adult is able to delineate a correspondence with own âlivedâ. In the within of biological sciences, many experimental studies were been conducted with the aim to know which chemistries substances and cerebral zones are involved in front of a stimulus assessed like sexually attractive.
Contrarily, there are little researches conducted in psychological field, aimed to the understanding the psychical factors, often unconscious, tinged to the subjective processes of sexual attraction: the sexual attraction remains an unexplored psychological event and unprovided of adapted instruments of assessment.
The present thesis is oriented in primis to examine the existing scientific literature, in order to provide an exhaustive picture of the sexual attraction and to analyze the instruments of survey available for the empirical assessment of it.
Secondly, the thesis is oriented to introduce two studies: the first study is aimed to adapt the Cuestionario de Atracción Sexual - CAS (Fernández ET to, 2006a; 2006b; 2006c) to the Italian language; the second study is aimed to assess the attitudes towards the sexual attraction in a sample of university students, in order to establish if some differences or association with some psychological dimensions (attachment stiles and alexithymia) exist.
Buizza, Chiara (2009) L'attrazione sessuale: processi psichici e strumenti di indagine. L'adattamento italiano del Cuestionario de Atraccion sexual, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia generale e clinica , 21 Ciclo.