• La valutazione degli effetti delle politiche di coesione dell'Unione europea sulla crescita regionale
  • Muccigrosso, Teo <1977>


  • SECS-P/02 Politica economica


  • This PhD thesis aims at providing an evaluation of EU Cohesion policy impact on regional growth. It employs methodologies and data sources never before applied for this purpose. Main contributions to the literature concerning EU regional policy effectiveness have been extensively analysed. Moreover, having carried out an overview of the current literature on Cohesion Policy, we deduce that this work introduces innovative features in the field. The work enriches the current literature with regards to two aspects. The first aspect concerns the use of the instrument of Regression Discontinuity Design in order to examine the presence of a different outcome in terms of growth between Objectives 1 regions and non-Objective 1 regions at the cut-off point (75 percent of EU-15 GDP per capita in PPS) during the two programming periods, 1994-1999 and 2000-2006. The results confirm a significant difference higher than 0.5 percent per year between the two groups. The other empirical evaluation regards the study of a cross-section regression model based on the convergence theory that analyses the dependence relation between regional per capita growth and EU Cohesion policy expenditure in several fields of interventions. We have built a very fine dataset of spending variables (certified expenditure), using sources of data directly provided from the Regional Policy Directorate of the European Commission.


  • 2009-04-28


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Muccigrosso, Teo (2009) La valutazione degli effetti delle politiche di coesione dell'Unione europea sulla crescita regionale , [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Economia e statistica agroalimentare , 21 Ciclo.
