Una danza di parti interagenti. Gregory Bateson pensiero ecologico e educazione
Demozzi, Silvia <1981>
M-PED/01 Pedagogia generale e sociale
The thesis focuses on the ecological thought of Gregory Bateson and the contributions that such epistemology can offer nowadays to the educational scene, connecting in particular to the problematicistic perspective of Giovanni Maria Bertin with the aim of rethinking and updating it.
The writing explicates the meaning of education to an ecological knowledge, that privileges connections, creativity and solidarity with the living world. The work
analyzes, moreover, the cultural and epistemological value of relations focusing on ethic commitment as an instrument of promotion of the right to difference.
A final part of the work is dedicated to some ecological aspects such as environmental safeguard and development, fundamental topics especially for the educational context.
Demozzi, Silvia (2009) Una danza di parti interagenti. Gregory Bateson pensiero ecologico e educazione, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Pedagogia , 21 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/2148.