• Carl Gustav Jung a Eranos. Il contributo junghiano al Circolo di Eranos: ideazione, contributi e iniziative dal 1933 al 1952
  • Bernardini, Riccardo <1978>


  • M-STO/07 Storia del Cristianesimo e delle Chiese


  • The dissertation aims to explore the several forms in which the activity of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) developed on the project and the realisation of the Eranos Conferences, founded in 1933 by Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (1881-1962). The dissertation, in particular, focuses on the first twenty-year period (1933-1952) that determined the fundamental aspects and shaped the peculiar configuration of the Eranos Conferences as a “research laboratory” on the universal characteristics of the religious phenomenon. The dissertation contains the following chapters: 1) Aspects of C.G. Jung’s intellectual contribution to the religious hermeneutics proposed in the Eranos Conferences; 2) C.G. Jung’s conferences at Eranos: a historical examination; 3) C.G. Jung and the Eranos Archive for Research in Symbolism; 4) C.G. Jung and the hidden history of Eranos; 5) C.G. Jung’s commentary on Opicinus de Canistris’s Codex Palatinus Latinus 1993: fragments of a lost and rediscovered Eranos seminar.


  • 2009-07-14


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Bernardini, Riccardo (2009) Carl Gustav Jung a Eranos. Il contributo junghiano al Circolo di Eranos: ideazione, contributi e iniziative dal 1933 al 1952, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Studi religiosi: scienze sociali e studi storici delle religioni , 21 Ciclo.
