• Sistema nervoso enterico di cane: studio quali-quantitativo e modificazioni neurochimiche in corso di infiammazione gastroenterica e diabete mellito
  • Enteric Nervous System in dogs ileum: a qualitative and quantitative study modifications of neurochemistry in dogs affect of inflammatory disease and dogs affect of diabetes mellitus
  • Asti, Martina <1984>


  • VET/01 Anatomia degli animali domestici


  • 1) Valutazione caratteristiche neurochimiche e quantificazione dei neuroni del SNE dell’ileo di cani ctrl e cani affetti da infiammazione intestinale (spontanea). Prelevati campioni di ileo da 5 cani ctrl e 8 cani patol ed ottenute criosezioni sottoposte ad immunoistochimica. - nNOS-IR MP ctrl 33±15% (178/639 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±5% (528/2031 cell, n=7) (P=0,156). nNOS-IR SMP ctrl 8±5% (40/527 cell, n=5) vs patol 7±2% (69/1007 cell, n=4) (P= 0,735). - VIP-IR MP ctrl 6±4% (69/993 cell) vs patol 16±9% (281/1958 cell, n=8) (P=0,027*). VIP-IR SMP ctrl 29±8% (300/993 cell) vs patol 30±13% (522/1630 cell, n=7) (P=0,891,) - SP-IR MP ctrl 15±8% (209/1332 cell, n=5) vs patol 17±9% (437/2053 cell, n=8) (P=0,741). SP-IR SMP ctrl 26±7% (464/1598 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±13% (592/2024 cell, n=6) (P=0,752). - CGRP-IR MP ctrl 8±9% (41/543 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±11% (259/1444 cell, n=8) (P=0,152). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl 7±8% (32/754 cell, n=5) vs patol 14±12% (194/1138 cell, n=7) (P=0,230) - Calb-IR MP ctrl 14±9% (76/580 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±7% (324/2055 cell, n=8)(P=0,596). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl di 22±7% (218/975 cell, n=5) vs patol 23±7% (261/1207 cell, n=7) (P=0,767). Questo rappresenta il primo studio esistente sulle caratteristiche neurochimiche delle sottopopolazioni di neuroni in cani ctrl e cani affetti da patol gastroenterica. 2) Valutazione degli effetti del diabete mellito di tipo I sul SNE dell’antro pilorico e dell’ileo di cane. Prelevati campioni di antro e ileo di 8 cani ctrl e 5 patol ed ottenute criosezioni sottoposte ad immunoistochimica. nNOS-IR MP ctrl antro 30±6%, (902/3129 cellule), ileo 29±5% (795/2800 cellule). nNOS-IR MP DM antro 25±2% (727/2926 cellule), ileo (19±5%; 308/1508 cellule).(P antro=0.112), (P ileo=0.006). Questi risultati indicano che il DM determini un’alterazione dell’innervazione nitrergica maggiore rispetto nell’ileo rispetto allo stomaco.
  • 1) Study of effects of spontaneous inflammatory bowel disease in SNE of dogs. Specimens of ileum were collected from 5 control and 8 affected dogs, use for immunohistochemistry on the cryosections - nNOS-IR MP ctrl 33±15% (178/639 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±5% (528/2031 cell, n=7) (P=0,156). nNOS-IR SMP ctrl 8±5% (40/527 cell, n=5) vs patol 7±2% (69/1007 cell, n=4) (P= 0,735). - VIP-IR MP ctrl 6±4% (69/993 cell) vs patol 16±9% (281/1958 cell, n=8) (P=0,027*). VIP-IR SMP ctrl 29±8% (300/993 cell) vs patol 30±13% (522/1630 cell, n=7) (P=0,891,) - SP-IR MP ctrl 15±8% (209/1332 cell, n=5) vs patol 17±9% (437/2053 cell, n=8) (P=0,741). SP-IR SMP ctrl 26±7% (464/1598 cell, n=5) vs patol 24±13% (592/2024 cell, n=6) (P=0,752). - CGRP-IR MP ctrl 8±9% (41/543 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±11% (259/1444 cell, n=8) (P=0,152). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl 7±8% (32/754 cell, n=5) vs patol 14±12% (194/1138 cell, n=7) (P=0,230) - Calb-IR MP ctrl 14±9% (76/580 cell, n=5) vs patol 16±7% (324/2055 cell, n=8)(P=0,596). CGRP-IR SMP ctrl di 22±7% (218/975 cell, n=5) vs patol 23±7% (261/1207 cell, n=7) (P=0,767). This is the first study about neurochemical characteristics of neuron subsets in control dogs and in gastrointestinal disease afflicted dogs. 2) Study the effects of spontaneous DM on the nitrergic neurons of the MP of the canine gastric antrum and ileum. Specimens of gastric antrum and ileum from eight control dogs and five insulin-dependent DM dogs were collected. MP neurons were immunohistochemically identified with the anti-HuC/HuD and nNOS antibody. nNOS-IR MP stomachs control dogs was 30±6%, in the DM was 25±2% (P=0.112). nNOS-IR MP ileum control dogs was 29±5%, in the DM was significantly reduced 19±5% (P=0.006). These findings indicate that DM in dogs alters intestinal nitrergic innervation more rather than the gastric one.


  • 2016-05-13


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Asti, Martina (2016) Sistema nervoso enterico di cane: studio quali-quantitativo e modificazioni neurochimiche in corso di infiammazione gastroenterica e diabete mellito, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze veterinarie , 27 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/7677.
