The problem of output regulation deals with asymptotic tracking/rejection of a prescribed reference trajectory/disturbance. The main feature of the output regulation is that references/disturbances to be tracked/rejected belong to a family of trajectories generated as solutions of an autonomous system typically referred to as exosystem. Tackling this problem in context of error feedback leads to solutions that embeds a copy of the exosystem properly updated by means of error measurements. The output regulation problem for linear systems has been fully characterized and solved in the mid seven- ties by Davison, Francis and Wonham and then has been generalized to the non-linear context by Isidori and Byrnes. It is worth noting, however, that most of the frameworks considered so far for output regulation deal with systems and exosytems defined on Euclidean real state space and not much efforts have been done to extend the results of output regulation to systems and exosystems whose states live in more general manifolds. The tools available for solutions of the output regulation problem can’t be extented in a straightforward manner to non-linear systems whose states live in more general manifolds due to some restrictive structural assumption. The present thesis focuses on the problem of output regulation for left invariant systems defined on matrix Lie groups. In this framework we extend the idea of internal model-based control to systems defined on matrix Lie-groups taking advantages of the symmetry and invariant structures of the system considered. In particular we propose a general structure of the regulator for left invariant kinematic systems defined on general matrix Lie-group that solves the output regulation problem. Going further we study the output regulation problem for kinematics systems defined on the special orthogonal group and the special Euclidean group.
De Marco, Simone (2017) Output regulation for systems with symmetry, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum UniversitĂ di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Automatica e ricerca operativa , 29 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/7936.