• Device for Separation of Stem Cells from Adult Tissues, Suitable for Regenerative Medicine Research: from the Idea to the Ready-to-Market Stage
  • Martinelli, Kristel <1987>


  • CHIM/01 Chimica analitica


  • Stem cells are distributed in all tissues. They can be then sorted from such sources. However, their localization in each source tissue is not well defined, and they cannot be identified in a specific district isolated from all different cells, which are more differentiated and originated from the stem cells. Moreover, the lack of homogeneity in pluri/multipotent SCs severely hinders a definition and standardization for successful stem cell-based therapies. Finally, cell-type-specific markers such as cell surface proteins are limited known, and they often recognize multiple members of a SC lineage. Stem cell recovery and functionality are also affected by immunolabeling. Celector® does operate sorting with no immuno-tagging. Its proprietary separation process exploits differences in the intrinsic characteristics of the cells, which include size, density and surface properties. Cell sorting occurs in a biocompatible fluid (PBS-phosphate buffer saline, physiological solutions, culture media) through the sterile fluidic device that can be disposed once used. The separation process avoid cell contact, and consequent adhesion on the separation device, and cell-cell aggregation by using in-flow injection of cells and a proprietary combination of different flow stream rates able to keep cells away from the channel walls, and be swept down the separation device at different velocities. This can make different cells be collected at different times in sundry containers. The flow rate values typically applied guarantee low shear stress on cells. After fractionation is completed, native physical features then are fully restored. This allows high cell recovery and full maintainance of cell viability and differentiation features.


  • 2017-05-03


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Martinelli, Kristel (2017) Device for Separation of Stem Cells from Adult Tissues, Suitable for Regenerative Medicine Research: from the Idea to the Ready-to-Market Stage, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Chimica , 29 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8190.
