• Lo strabismo bilaterale convergente con esoftalmo: studio clinico preliminare
  • Bilateral convergent strabismus with esophthalmos: preliminary clinical study
  • Scacco, Gianluca <1965>


  • VET/08 Clinica medica veterinaria


  • Fra le varie forme di strabismo, il c.d. “Strabismo Bilaterale Convergente con Esoftalmo (SBCE)” rappresenta un capitolo della nosologia bovina conosciuto da tempo ma che non ha ancora trovato né definitiva spiegazione patogenetica, né soluzione eziologica. Di relativa frequente osservazione, lo SBCE è caratterizzato da ingravescente e bilaterale convergenza degli assi visivi, cui si accompagna esoftalmo. L'intento della presente nota è riproporre il tema di questa forma di strabismo ai colleghi buiatri operanti nella pratica, non solo illustrando gli ultimi studi sulla materia, ma anche richiamando definizioni terminologiche e dettagli anatomici indispensabili per la sua comprensione. Considerata da sempre come una patologia a carattere ereditario, lo SBCE non ha ancora trovato completa e definitiva collocazione. Due geni candidati, PLXNC1 (BTA5) e RDH13 (BTA18) sono stati associati alla SBCE, ma sono ancora in attesa di verifica. Si presentano i quadri clinici, uno stusio istologico e le ipotesi patogenetiche.
  • The aim of this work is to describe the most important aspects of the so called “Bilateral Convergent Strabismus with Exophthalmos (BCSE)” , the most common aspect of strabismus in cattle. The disease has been known since the end of the XIX century, but no definitive conclusion has been found in respect to the pathogenesis and the etiology. BCSE may affect all major breeds and is known worldwide. It is characterised by a progressive bilateral symmetric ante-rior-medial rotation of the bulbi associated with a slight to severe protrusion of the eyeball (exophthalmos). The onset of the defect is around the first year of age. It usually ends up with severe visual deficit that might modify the behavior of the affected animal. Although there is few literature, defects in the lateral rectus muscle and the retractor bulbi muscle of the eye and in their appendant nerves (CN III and CN VI, respectively) were suspected to be the cause of BCSE. The presence of “red ragged fibers” in the lateral and median rectus muscles were also found in affected animals. It is common to note changes of character, probably related to insecurity resulting from visual difficulties: the affected animals become scary, move with difficulty, struggling to enter the milking stations, over-react to the routine operations that are carried out in the barn. As to the authors' knowledge, there are no useful therapies to cure or even improve the disease. The majority of the authors consider the BCSE as an inherited defect. However, the exact mode of inheritance has not been found yet.


  • 2017-04-21


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Scacco, Gianluca (2017) Lo strabismo bilaterale convergente con esoftalmo: studio clinico preliminare, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze veterinarie , 28 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/8139.
