• Il giudice che "amministra": La ponderazione degli interessi dal procedimento al processo amministrativo, verso una piena giurisdizione sul rapporto
  • The judge who “administers” - The balancing of interests from administrative proceedings to administrative Court procedure, towards full jurisdiction over the legal relationship
  • Dell'Osta, Luca <1990>


  • IUS/10 Diritto amministrativo


  • Il lavoro, dopo una ricostruzione storica dell'evoluzione del diritto (anche processuale) amministrativo italiano, affronta in chiave critica il tema del superamento della giurisdizione generale di legittimità, avanzato recentemente in alcune pronunce dei giudici amministrativi. L'autore sostiene che la trasformazione del giudizio amministrativo da "giudizio sull'atto" a "giudizio sul rapporto" incontra ancora - a costituzione invariata - il limite della discrezionalità amministrativa, e che non è possibile per il giudice sostituirsi all'amministrazione inadempiente o all'amministrazione che ha adottato provvedimenti illegittimi.
  • This piece of work wants to analyse some lines of development of the administrative law system in its current context. In particular, the author starts from the ascertainment that, since the Constitution entered into force, there has been a strengthening of the subjective legal positions and, in particular, of the legitimate interest. The basic question intended to be answered is whether the current administrative justice system is sufficient to ensure full protection to such subjective legal position and whether the answers that jurisprudence and doctrine have provided to the request for protection are consistent with the constitutional structure of the State. In particular, in the first chapter the history of the administrative justice system is retraced by analysing its fundamental points (from the 1865 Act up to the 2010 Code of Administrative Court Procedure) and by deepening the two aspects that even today are problematic, namely the nature of the legitimate interest and, consequently, the rule relating to the allotment between the administrative Courts and the civil Courts. In the second and in the third chapter, on the other hand, some institutions are analysed which, in the author’s opinion, can mark the overcoming of the jurisdiction of the administrative Courts as it has been known so far. More specifically, the second chapter is devoted to the deepening of the institutions which concern, even mediately, substantive law; the third chapter, instead, is devoted to the institutions of a procedural nature. Finally, the author in the conclusions indicates the possible lines of development and indicates the limits beyond which the protection system would be so far away from the idea of “administrative justice” as deducible from the Constitution, that an amendment of the Fundamental Charter would be needed to ensure its compatibility.


  • 2021-10-15


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Dell'Osta, Luca (2021) Il giudice che "amministra": La ponderazione degli interessi dal procedimento al processo amministrativo, verso una piena giurisdizione sul rapporto, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze giuridiche - phd in legal studies , 33 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/9889.
