• Investigation of innovative combustion systems for reduced fuel consumption and increased specific power production
  • Scocozza, Guido Federico <1993>


  • ING-IND/08 Macchine a fluido


  • This work resumes a wide variety of research activities carried out with the main objective of increasing the efficiency and reducing the fuel consumption of Gasoline Direct Injection engines, especially under high loads. For this purpose, two main innovative technologies have been studied, Water Injection and Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, which help to reduce the temperature of the gases inside the combustion chamber and thus mitigate knock, being this one of the main limiting factors for the efficiency of modern downsized engines that operate at high specific power. A prototypal Port Water Injection system was developed and extensive experimental work has been carried out, initially to identify the benefits and limitations of this technology. This led to the subsequent development and testing of a combustion controller, which has been implemented on a Rapid Control Prototyping environment, capable of managing water injection to achieve knock mitigation and a more efficient combustion phase. Regarding Low-Pressure Exhaust Gas Recirculation, a commercial engine that was already equipped with this technology was used to carry out experimental work in a similar fashion to that of water injection. Another prototypal water injection system has been mounted to this second engine, to be able to test both technologies, at first separately to compare them on equal conditions, and secondly together in the search of a possible synergy. Additionally, based on experimental data from several engines that have been tested during this study, including both GDI and GCI engines, a real-time model (or virtual sensor) for the estimation of the maximum in-cylinder pressure has been developed and validated. This parameter is of vital importance to determine the speed at which damage occurs on the engine components, and therefore to extract the maximum performance without inducing permanent damages.


  • 2022-03-30


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Scocozza, Guido Federico (2022) Investigation of innovative combustion systems for reduced fuel consumption and increased specific power production, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Automotive per una mobilità intelligente , 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10037.
