• Children’s socialization, involved parenting, and the construction of the family-school partnership in everyday family interactions: a study on parent-assisted homework as a morally dense educational arena
  • Colla, Vittoria <1993>


  • M-PED/01 Pedagogia generale e sociale


  • This study investigates an activity that takes place at the intersection between family and school and plays a key role in the building of the family-school partnership largely promoted by education policies: parent-assisted homework. Even though this topic is not new in pedagogical research, what is innovative about this study is the focus on naturally occurring parent-child conversations during homework. Adopting a phenomenological approach to the study of educational events and relying on conversation analysis, the present study analyzes 62 video-recorded sessions of parent-assisted homework collected in 19 Italian families with children aged 6-10 years old (i.e., attending primary school). The analysis of parent-child interactions reveals that parent-assisted homework is not only a site for formal learning but also and primarily a morally dense educational arena. Through the ‘small talks’ that accompany the completion of homework exercises, parents and children evoke and co-construct moral ideologies concerning topics as diverse as learning, school rules and standards, ‘good, involved parenting’, the family-school partnership, children’s autonomy, virtue, time management, and the organization of knowledge and authority in interaction. By taking part in everyday homework interactions, children are educated to culture-specific ethical systems and socialized into morally competent members of their communities, while parents implement the family-school partnership and comply with the model of “involved parent” proposed by pedagogical research and policies. Providing empirical evidence for the moral and educational relevance of ordinary family talk, this study contributes to pedagogical research on family life and promotes parents’ reflexivity about their mundane interactive activities.


  • 2022-07-04
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2025-05-02


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Colla, Vittoria (2022) Children’s socialization, involved parenting, and the construction of the family-school partnership in everyday family interactions: a study on parent-assisted homework as a morally dense educational arena, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze pedagogiche , 34 Ciclo.
