• Multidisciplinary approach to manage the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries
  • Approccio multidisciplinare alla gestione della pesca della vongola (Chamelea gallina)
  • Bargione, Giada <1991>


  • BIO/07 Ecologia


  • To responsively manage the striped venus clam (Chamelea gallina) fisheries, a multidisciplinary approach has been adopted through the investigation of new and updated biological aspects (e.g. age, growth, reproduction, size at first maturity, fecundity) and the interaction gear- target or non-target species (e.g. reburial ability, survival potential and exerted damage). The striped venus clam is an important socio-economic species in the Italian fishery context, highly regulated by national and international laws aiming at guaranteeing both social and ecological sustainability. Studies on growth and reproduction revealed that the size at first maturity is reached within the first year of life, whereas the present Minimum Conservation Reference Size of 22 mm is reached at two year of age. The annual reproductive cycle, which is driven by rises in seawater temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration, spans during the warmer months (late spring-summer) with multiple spawning events of different intensity occurring over the spawning period, and the number of potentially emitted gametes is positively related to shell size. Reburial tests conducted on undamaged specimens highlighted the ability of clams to rebury in the sediment once discarded, independently from the size. On the other hand, survival experiments in the laboratory and at sea, on both damaged and undamaged individuals, served to demonstrate that the species has a high survival rate, thus supporting the claim that discarded individuals can contribute to restock the natural populations. Moreover, the evaluation and quantification of damage induced by dredging on the discarded macro-benthic fauna living associated with C. gallina highlighted that soft-shelled or soft-bodied species are the most affected by the fishing process and subjected to a higher mortality. All these findings are of pivotal importance to rationally support the management measures to be adopted in the striped venus clam fishery.


  • 2022-06-17


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Bargione, Giada (2022) Approccio multidisciplinare alla gestione della pesca della vongola (Chamelea gallina), [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Tecnologie innovative e uso sostenibile delle risorse di pesca e biologiche del mediterraneo (fishmed-phd) , 34 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10331.
