• Effects of stochastic hypoxia events 
on the benthic communities of transitional waters
  • Comandini, Paolo <1990>


  • BIO/07 Ecologia


  • Hypoxia is one of the most important and faster spreading threats to marine life and its occurrence has significantly increased in the last century. The effects of hypoxia on marine organisms and communities has mostly been studied in light of the intensity of the disturbance but not a lot of attention has been given to its interaction with other stressors and the timing of its appearance. In this thesis I started to explore these topics through laboratory and manipulative field experiments. I studied the interactive effects of thermal stress and hypoxia on a European native bivalve species (Cerastoderma edule; Linnaeus, 1758 ) and a non native one (Ruditapes philippinarum; Adams & Reeve, 1850) through a laboratory experiment performed in the Netherlands. The non native species displayed a greater tolerance to oxygen depletion than the native one. The first field experiment was performed in an Italian brackish coastal lagoon (Pialassa Baiona) and tested the effects of different timing regimes of hypoxia on the benthic community. It emerged that the main factor affecting the community is the duration of the hypoxia. The ability of the communities to recover after repeated hypoxic periods was explored in the second manipulative field experiment. We imposed three different timing regimes of hypoxia on sediment patches in Pialassa Baiona and we monitored the changes of both the benthic and the microbial communities after the disturbances. The preliminary analyses of the data from this last work suggest that the experimental manipulations caused limited detrimental effects on the communities. Overall this thesis work suggests that the duration of hypoxic events, their repetitive nature and the associated thermal stress are key factors in determining their effects on the communities and that management measures should point towards a reduction of the duration of the single hypoxic periods more than their frequency.


  • 2022-06-30
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2025-04-03


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Comandini, Paolo (2022) Effects of stochastic hypoxia events on the benthic communities of transitional waters, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Beni culturali e ambientali , 34 Ciclo.
