• Development of numerical tools for the simulation, design and optimization of a Helicon Plasma Thruster
  • Souhair, Nabil <1992>


  • ING-IND/07 Propulsione aerospaziale


  • This work thesis focuses on the Helicon Plasma Thruster (HPT) as a candidate for generating thrust for small satellites and CubeSats. Two main topics are addressed: the development of a Global Model (GM) and a 3D self-consistent numerical tool. The GM is suitable for preliminary analysis of HPTs with noble gases such as argon, neon, krypton, and xenon, and alternative propellants such as air and iodine. A lumping methodology is developed to reduce the computational cost when modelling the excited species in the plasma chemistry. A 3D self-consistent numerical tool is also developed that can treat discharges with a generic 3D geometry and model the actual plasma-antenna coupling. The tool consists of two main modules, an EM module and a FLUID module, which run iteratively until a steady state solution is converged. A third module is available for solving the plume with a simplified semi-analytical approach, a PIC code, or directly by integration of the fluid equations. Results obtained from both the numerical tools are benchmarked against experimental measures of HPTs or Helicon reactors, obtaining very good qualitative agreement with the experimental trend for what concerns the GM, and an excellent agreement of the physical trends predicted against the measured data for the 3D numerical strategy.


  • 2023-03-24


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Souhair, Nabil (2023) Development of numerical tools for the simulation, design and optimization of a Helicon Plasma Thruster, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Meccanica e scienze avanzate dell'ingegneria , 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10704.
