• Data driven regularization models of non-linear ill-posed inverse problems in imaging
  • Colibazzi, Francesco <1991>


  • MAT/08 Analisi numerica


  • Imaging technologies are widely used in application fields such as natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and life sciences. A broad class of imaging problems reduces to solve ill-posed inverse problems (IPs). Traditional strategies to solve these ill-posed IPs rely on variational regularization methods, which are based on minimization of suitable energies, and make use of knowledge about the image formation model (forward operator) and prior knowledge on the solution, but lack in incorporating knowledge directly from data. On the other hand, the more recent learned approaches can easily learn the intricate statistics of images depending on a large set of data, but do not have a systematic method for incorporating prior knowledge about the image formation model. The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss data-driven image reconstruction methods which combine the benefits of these two different reconstruction strategies for the solution of highly nonlinear ill-posed inverse problems. Mathematical formulation and numerical approaches for image IPs, including linear as well as strongly nonlinear problems are described. More specifically we address the Electrical impedance Tomography (EIT) reconstruction problem by unrolling the regularized Gauss-Newton method and integrating the regularization learned by a data-adaptive neural network. Furthermore we investigate the solution of non-linear ill-posed IPs introducing a deep-PnP framework that integrates the graph convolutional denoiser into the proximal Gauss-Newton method with a practical application to the EIT, a recently introduced promising imaging technique. Efficient algorithms are then applied to the solution of the limited electrods problem in EIT, combining compressive sensing techniques and deep learning strategies. Finally, a transformer-based neural network architecture is adapted to restore the noisy solution of the Computed Tomography problem recovered using the filtered back-projection method.


  • 2023-06-19


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Colibazzi, Francesco (2023) Data driven regularization models of non-linear ill-posed inverse problems in imaging, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Monitoraggio e gestione delle strutture e dell'ambiente - sehm2 , 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11062.
