• Artisanal food productions of animal origin: exploring food safety in the age of Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Crippa, Cecilia <1994>


  • VET/04 Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale


  • The artisanal food chain is enriched by a wide diversity of local food productions with delightful organoleptic characteristics and valuable nutritional properties. Despite their increasing worldwide popularity and appeal, several food safety challenges are addressed in artisanal facilities context suffering from less standardized processing conditions. In such scenario, recent advances in molecular typing and genomic surveillance (e.g., Whole Genome Sequencing [WGS]) represent an unprecedent solution capable of inferring sources of contamination as well as contributing to food safety along the artisanal food continuum. The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to explore potential microbial hazards among different artisanal food productions of animal origins (dairy and meat-derived) typical of the food culture and heritage landscape belonging to Mediterranean countries. Three different studies were then carried out, specifically focussing on: 1) compare the seasonal variability of microbiological quality and potential occurrence of microbial hazards in two batches of Italian artisanal fermented dairy and meat productions; 2) Investigate genetic relationships as well as virulome and resistome of foodborne pathogens isolated within dairy and meat-derived productions located in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Morocco; 3) investigate the population structure, virulome, resistome and mobilome of Klebsiella spp. isolates collected from study 1, including an extended range of public sequences.


  • 2023-06-30


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Crippa, Cecilia (2023) Artisanal food productions of animal origin: exploring food safety in the age of Whole Genome Sequencing, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari , 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11068.
