• Access to climate justice: the main procedural hurdles, and possible solutions, within the italian legal framework and the IBA Model Statute
  • Ghinelli, Gianni <1992>


  • IUS/15 Diritto processuale civile


  • The thesis deals with standing and justiciability in climate litigation against governments and the private sector. The first part addresses the impacts of climate change on human rights, the major developments in international climate law, and the historical reasons for climate litigation. The second part analyses several cases, divided into categories. It then draws to a comparative conclusion with regard to each category. The third part deals with the Italian legal tradition on standing and justiciability – starting from the historical roots of such rules. The fourth part introduces the ‘Model Statute’ drafted by the International Bar Association, arguing that the 'ratio legis' of this proposal could be implemented in Italy or the EU. The thesis develops arguments, based on the existing legal framework, to help plaintiffs establish standing and justiciability in proceedings pending before Italian courts. It further proposes the idea that 'citizen suits' are consistent with the Italian and EU legal tradition and that the EU could rely on citizen suits to privately enforce its climate law and policies under the ‘European Green Deal.’


  • 2023-06-16
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2026-05-14


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Ghinelli, Gianni (2023) Access to climate justice: the main procedural hurdles, and possible solutions, within the italian legal framework and the IBA Model Statute, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze giuridiche , 35 Ciclo.
