• Sensor networks optimization and software development for Structural Health Monitoring based on ultrasonic guided waves
  • Dibiase, Marco <1984>


  • ING-INF/05 Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni


  • The Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) research area is increasingly investigated due to its high potential in reducing the maintenance costs and in ensuring the systems safety in several industrial application fields. A growing demand of new SHM systems, permanently embedded into the structures, for savings in weight and cabling, comes from the aeronautical and aerospace application fields. As consequence, the embedded electronic devices are to be wirelessly connected and battery powered. As result, a low power consumption is requested. At the same time, high performance in defects or impacts detection and localization are to be ensured to assess the structural integrity. To achieve these goals, the design paradigms can be changed together with the associate signal processing. The present thesis proposes design strategies and unconventional solutions, suitable both for real-time monitoring and periodic inspections, relying on piezo-transducers and Ultrasonic Guided Waves. In the first context, arrays of closely located sensors were designed, according to appropriate optimality criteria, by exploiting sensors re-shaping and optimal positioning, to achieve improved damages/impacts localisation performance in noisy environments. An additional sensor re-shaping procedure was developed to tackle another well-known issue which arises in realistic scenario, namely the reverberation. A novel sensor, able to filter undesired mechanical boundaries reflections, was validated via simulations based on the Green's functions formalism and FEM. In the active SHM context, a novel design methodology was used to develop a single transducer, called Spectrum-Scanning Acoustic Transducer, to actively inspect a structure. It can estimate the number of defects and their distances with an accuracy of 2[cm]. It can also estimate the damage angular coordinate with an equivalent mainlobe aperture of 8[deg], when a 24[cm] radial gap between two defects is ensured. A suitable signal processing was developed in order to limit the computational cost, allowing its use with embedded electronic devices.


  • 2023-06-19
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2024-12-15


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Dibiase, Marco (2023) Sensor networks optimization and software development for Structural Health Monitoring based on ultrasonic guided waves, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Monitoraggio e gestione delle strutture e dell'ambiente - sehm2 , 35 Ciclo.
