• Aberrant c-MET activation impairs perinuclear actin cap organization with YAP1 cytosolic relocation
  • Sgarzi, Michela <1994>


  • BIO/17 Istologia


  • Growing evidence indicates that cell and nuclear deformability plays a crucial role in the determination of cancer cells tumorigenic and metastatic potential. The perinuclear actin cap, by wrapping the nucleus with a functional network of actomyosin cables, can modulate nuclear architecture and consequently cell/nuclear elasticity. The hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) stands out among other membrane receptors as crucial player of the actin filaments organization, but no data are available on a specific role for MET in the actin cap assembly and the overall nuclear architecture organization. In a cell system characterized by MET hyperactivation, we observed a strong rearrangement of the cellular actin caps, with a complete dismantling of apical stress fibers and a strikingly enhanced nuclear height. CRISPR/Cas9 silencing of MET completely reverted the aberrant phenotype, resulting in flattened cells with perfectly aligned perinuclear actomyosin bundles, as well as decreased MAPK and PI3K/AKT signaling, cell proliferation rate and aggressiveness. Interestingly, MET ablated cells acquired a remarkably directed and polarized migratory phenotype, contrarily to cells with MET sustained activation showing meandering random walk. A pathway enrichment analysis comparing MET-activated and MET-KO cells RNAseq data, unveiled the contribution of multiple pathways associated with cytoskeleton remodeling, regulation of cell shape and response to mechanical stimuli. In line, the co-transcriptional activator YAP1, playing a major role in cell mechanosensing and focal adhesions/actin stabilization, appeared the culprit of the genetic reassembling of KO cells. Indeed, MET silencing was shown to induce YAP1 nuclear shuttling and increased co-transcriptional activity. Finally, we were able to induce in a normal epithelial model a phenotype closer to MET activated cancer cells only by introducing a constitutive fusion protein of MET. Taken together, our results demonstrate a new mechanism of MET-mediated actin remodeling responsible for a tumor-initiating capacity and meandering random migration, which requires YAP1 inactivation.


  • 2023-06-16
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2026-05-14


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Sgarzi, Michela (2023) Aberrant c-MET activation impairs perinuclear actin cap organization with YAP1 cytosolic relocation, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Oncologia, ematologia e patologia , 35 Ciclo.
