• The engagement of yugoslav technical cooperation experts in post-colonial Algeria (1962-1990). A global microhistory of east-south relations
  • Tot, Dora <1993>


  • M-STO/04 Storia contemporanea


  • The venture of socialist Eastern Europe in assisting the development efforts of the post-colonial countries opened up official migratory channels to the Global South for a specific labour group engaged under international technical cooperation programmes. By taking post-colonial Algeria as a space of East-South interactions and intense inter-socialist competition, the thesis studies labour mobility from socialist Yugoslavia of a heterogeneous group labelled “technical cooperation experts” in the period from 1962 to 1990. While CMEA members dispatched to the country personnel in great numbers, after 1965, Yugoslavia failed to do so. Tracing them beyond the institutional level, the thesis aims at detecting and exposing factors which inhibited the attempts to increase the presence of Yugoslav technical experts in Algeria. It argues that instead of building an alternative, solidarity-based aid model, Yugoslav technical cooperation with the developing countries was reduced to mediation in the employment of highly-skilled labour abroad. The cooperation scheme, which differed from one of its Eastern European counterparts, manifested in the employment and legal status as well as everyday life and work experiences of Yugoslav citizens. Relying on the methodological approach of global microhistory, which strongly favours the micro-historical analysis of primary sources in studying global processes, the thesis provides a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Yugoslav globalization endeavours. By shifting the focus to the experiences of ordinary people who were under the strong influence of globalization forces of the Cold War era, the thesis adds a “human” dimension to the history of East-South relations.


  • 2023-06-15


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Tot, Dora (2023) The engagement of yugoslav technical cooperation experts in post-colonial Algeria (1962-1990). A global microhistory of east-south relations, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Storie, culture e politiche del globale , 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10972.
