• Innovation in aquaculture. Modeling the adoption and implementation processes of innovations in the Italian aquaculture sector
  • Vecchio, Yari <1992>


  • AGR/01 Economia ed estimo rurale


  • Since the turn of the century, fisheries have maintained a steady growth rate, while aquaculture has experienced a more rapid expansion. Aquaculture can offer EU consumers more diverse, healthy, and sustainable food options, some of which are more popular elsewhere. To develop the sector, the EU is investing heavily. The EU supports innovative projects that promote the sustainable development of seafood sectors and food security. Priority 3 promotes sector development through innovation dissemination. This doctoral dissertation examined innovation transfer in the Italian aquaculture sector, specifically the adoption of innovative tools, using a theoretical model to better understand the complexity of these processes. The work focused on innovation adoption, emphasising that it is the end of a well-defined process. The Awareness Knowledge Adoption Implementation Effectiveness (AKAIE) model was created to better analyse post-adoption phases and evaluate technology adoption implementation and impact. To identify AKAIE drivers and barriers, aquaculture actors were consulted. "Perceived complexity"—barriers to adoption that are strongly influenced by contextual factors—has been used to examine their perspectives (i.e. socio-economic, institutional, cultural ones). The new model will contextualise the sequence based on technologies, entrepreneur traits, corporate and institutional contexts, and complexity perception, the sequence's central node. Technology adoption can also be studied by examining complexity perceptions along the AKAIE sequence. This study proposes a new model to evaluate the diffusion of a given technology, offering the policy maker the possibility to be able to act promptly across the process. The development of responsible policies for evaluating the effectiveness of innovation is more necessary than ever, especially to orient strategies and interventions in the face of major scenarios of change.


  • 2023-06-16
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2026-01-01


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Vecchio, Yari (2023) Innovation in aquaculture. Modeling the adoption and implementation processes of innovations in the Italian aquaculture sector, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Tecnologie innovative e uso sostenibile delle risorse di pesca e biologiche del mediterraneo (fishmed-phd) , 35 Ciclo.
