• Patient data sharing for the improvement of healthcare and medical research: towards a moral duty of patients to share health-related data?
  • Bresic, Daniela <1988>


  • IUS/20 Filosofia del diritto


  • The project answers to the following central research question: ‘How would a moral duty of patients to transfer (health) data for the benefit of health care improvement, research, and public health in the eHealth sector sit within the existing confidentiality, privacy, and data protection legislations?’. The improvement of healthcare services, research, and public health relies on patient data, which is why one might raise the question concerning a potential moral responsibility of patients to transfer data concerning health. Such a responsibility logically would have subsequent consequences for care providers concerning the further transferring of health data with other healthcare providers or researchers and other organisations (who also possibly transfer the data further with others and other organisations). Otherwise, the purpose of the patients’ moral duty, i.e. to improve the care system and research, would be undermined. Albeit the arguments that may exist in favour of a moral responsibility of patients to share health-related data, there are also some moral hurdles that come with such a moral responsibility. Furthermore, the existing European and national confidentiality, privacy and data protection legislations appear to hamper such a possible moral duty, and they may need to be reconsidered to unlock the full use of data for healthcare and research.


  • 2023-04-18
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2026-02-27


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Bresic, Daniela (2023) Patient data sharing for the improvement of healthcare and medical research: towards a moral duty of patients to share health-related data?, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Law, science and technology , 35 Ciclo.
