• One archive, many readings. Personal archives as complex networks in the semantic web
  • Giovannetti, Francesca <1991>


  • M-STO/08 Archivistica, bibliografia e biblioteconomia


  • Personal archives are the archives created by individuals for their own purposes. Among these are the library and documentary collections of writers and scholars. It is only recently that archival literature has begun to focus on this category of archives, emphasising how their heterogeneous nature necessitates the conciliation of different approaches to archival description, and calling for a broader understanding of the principle of provenance, recognising that multiple creators, including subsequent researchers, can contribute to shaping personal archives over time by adding new layers of contexts. Despite these advances in the theoretical debate, current architectures for archival representation remain behind. Finding aids privilege a single point of view and do not allow subsequent users to embed their own, potentially conflicting, readings. Using semantic web technologies this study aims to define a conceptual model for writers' archives based on existing and widely adopted models in the cultural heritage and humanities domains. The model developed can be used to represent different types of documents at various levels of analysis, as well as record content and components. It also enables the representation of complex relationships and the incorporation of additional layers of interpretation into the finding aid, transforming it from a static search tool into a dynamic research platform.  The personal archive and library of Giuseppe Raimondi serves as a case study for the creation of an archival knowledge base using the proposed conceptual model. By querying the knowledge graph through SPARQL, the effectiveness of the model is evaluated. The results demonstrate that the model addresses the primary representation challenges identified in archival literature, from both a technological and methodological standpoint. The ultimate goal is to bring the output par excellence of archival science, i.e. the finding aid, more in line with the latest developments in archival thinking.


  • 2023-11-02


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Giovannetti, Francesca (2023) One archive, many readings. Personal archives as complex networks in the semantic web, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Culture letterarie e filologiche , 35 Ciclo. DOI 10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/11088.
