• Physical activity as a tool to improve the quality of life for individuals with hip or knee osteoarthritis
  • Zinno, Raffaele <1994>


  • M-EDF/01 Metodi e didattiche delle attività motorie


  • Total hip and knee replacements (THR/TKR) are considered the gold standard surgical treatments for end-stage osteoarthritis (OA), effectively alleviating pain, enhancing joint mobility and quality of life (QoL). Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular physical activity (PA) is crucial for these patients, as it can increase bone density and stability of joint prosthesis. This thesis aims to: (1) systematically review recommendations from healthcare professionals; (2) explore interventions promoting an active lifestyle post-THR and TKR; (3) investigate the primary causes of stiffness post-TKR; (4) design an exercise protocol to enhance QoL post-THR and TKR; (5) evaluate orthopedic surgeons' attitudes toward PA for patients post-THR/TKR; and (6) assess changes in QoL after a specifically designed PA intervention. The initial review revealed consensus on permissible sports activities post-surgery, but few studies addressed interventions targeting PA behaviors. Subsequently, findings highlighted key factors contributing to post-TKR stiffness, including mispositioned components, psychological distress, and obesity. Building on these insights, a PA intervention was implemented, followed by a survey investigating orthopedic surgeons' attitudes towards PA, which demonstrated a general positive attitude. Lastly, a pilot randomized controlled trial demonstrated significant enhancements in QoL, physical function, and clinical outcomes following a three-month adapted PA intervention. Future research should focus on raising awareness among individuals and healthcare professionals, fostering engagement in PA programs, and promoting active lifestyles. PA represents a valuable strategy for mitigating the burden of chronic diseases on society.


  • 2024-03-15
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2027-01-01


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Zinno, Raffaele (2024) Physical activity as a tool to improve the quality of life for individuals with hip or knee osteoarthritis, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienza e cultura del benessere e degli stili di vita , 36 Ciclo.
