• Metabolomics to investigate the effects of treatments on food and of food consumption on health
  • Lan, Qiuyu <1995>


  • CHIM/06 Chimica organica


  • Metabolomics has established itself as a discipline that can offer a unique point of view on how a technological treatment could impact on the charactersitics of a food. Even more, the same analytical platforms necessary for the purpose can also effectively unravel intricate interactions between such food and human health upon consumption. This PhD thesis investigates the application of metabolomics in understanding the impact of technological treatments on food and their subsequent effects on human health, utilizing 1H-NMR as the analytical platform. The study involves the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure a fast and stable preparation of seafood samples, incorporating novel algorithms to enhance the accuracy of metabolome profiles. To gain insight on how metabolomics can allow exploring the effects of a technological treatment on a food, we performed three sets of experiments to investigate the application of metabolomics in studying the impact of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) treatment on seafood metabolome during storage. The first experiment employs untargeted metabolomic analysis on chill-stored rose shrimp, revealing significant post-HHP treatment metabolic alterations and mechanisms. The investigation is extended to grey mullet in the second experiment, utilizing both untargeted and targeted metabolomic analyses to account for matrix-related effects. The third experiment assesses the targeted metabolome of striped prawns, showing that HHP significantly influences metabolic pathways, positively impacting freshness and taste through alterations in related metabolites. Shifting focus to the effects of food on humans, the study explores the impact of multistrain probiotics on cirrhosis patients using 1H-NMR. The platform reveals notable alterations in glutamine/glutamate metabolism, enhancing the patients' ammonia detoxification capacity. This research underscores the potential of metabolomics in uncovering intricate interactions between technological treatments, food, and human health, providing valuable insights for both the food industry and healthcare interventions.


  • 2024-04-11
  • info:eu-repo/date/embargoEnd/2027-01-20


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Lan, Qiuyu (2024) Metabolomics to investigate the effects of treatments on food and of food consumption on health, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Scienze e tecnologie agrarie, ambientali e alimentari , 36 Ciclo.
