Development of SuperEnsemble Techniques for the Mediterranean Ocean Forecasting System
Pistoia, Jenny <1983>
FIS/06 Fisica per il sistema terra e il mezzo circumterrestre
This research activity studied how the uncertainties are concerned and interrelated through the multi-model approach, since it seems to be the bigger challenge of ocean and weather forecasting. Moreover, we tried to reduce model error throughout the superensemble approach. In order to provide this aim, we created different dataset and by means of proper algorithms we obtained the superensamble estimate. We studied the sensitivity of this algorithm in function of its characteristics parameters. Clearly, it is not possible to evaluate a reasonable estimation of the error neglecting the importance of the grid size of ocean model, for the large amount of all the sub grid-phenomena embedded in space discretizations that can be only roughly parametrized instead of an explicit evaluation. For this reason we also developed a high resolution model, in order to calculate for the first time the impact of grid resolution on model error.
Pistoia, Jenny (2012) Development of SuperEnsemble Techniques for the Mediterranean Ocean Forecasting System, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Geofisica , 23 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/4303.