• Scene di violenza, esperienze emotive e condotte aggressive
  • Tosini, Giorgio <1953>


  • M-PSI/01 Psicologia generale


  • The aim of this research is to estimate the impact of violent film excerpts on university students (30 f, 30 m) in two different sequences, a “justified” violent scene followed by an “unjustified” one, or vice versa, as follows: 1) before-after sequences, using Aggressive behaviour I-R Questionnaire, Self Depression Scale and ASQ-IPAT Anxiety SCALE; 2) after every excerpt, using a self-report to evaluate the intensity and hedonic tone of emotions and the violence justification level. Emotion regulation processes (suppression, reappraisal, self-efficacy) were considered. In contrast with the “unjustified” violent scene, during the “justified” one, the justification level was higher; intensity and unpleasantness of negative emotions were lower. Anxiety (total and latent) and rumination diminished after both types of sequences. Rumination decreases less after the JV-UV sequence than after the UV-JV sequence. Self-efficacy in controlling negative emotions reduced rumination, whereas suppression reduced irritability. Reappraisal, self-efficacy in positive emotion expression and perceived emphatic selfefficacy did not have any effects.


  • 2008-04-28


  • Doctoral Thesis
  • PeerReviewed


  • application/pdf



Tosini, Giorgio (2008) Scene di violenza, esperienze emotive e condotte aggressive, [Dissertation thesis], Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. Dottorato di ricerca in Psicologia generale e clinica , 20 Ciclo. DOI 10.6092/unibo/amsdottorato/1012.
