• Dialogue, Stability and Security in the Central Asia Region: Comparative study on the EU and the Nato commitments in the Central Asia-region (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan).
  • Caporrella, Toni


  • Stability
  • Security
  • Cooperation


  • 2011/2012
  • Using notions of Change developed by Thomas Kuhn, Governance by Michael Walzer and Persistent Conflicts and New Wars by Mary Kaldor, this thesis argues that the stability, security and cooperation among States as a whole, and in Central Asia States in particular are threaded by different issues as state collapse, religious extremist, terrorism, illegal narcotic and weapons trafficking. The attempt to find an ideal solution and the definition of common understanding have been hardly implemented due to different national interests and regional Powers’ pressure. Since the Soviet Union collapse, NATO and European Union institutions have adopted various political, economical, military instruments in order to pave the way of dialogue, cooperation, stability and security among states and in particular in the central Asia countries. As a result, both the theory and the practice of International Relations are in the midst of a paradigm shift. Emerging from this shift is particular global configuration of the practice of international relations. Kuhn’s thought of “incommensurability” appear to typify the relationship between the two components, while Kaldor’s concept explain the characteristic of contemporary civil conflicts, helping to understand the changed nature of intrastate warfare in terms of factors behind the wars: politics of warfare, economy of warfare, military strategies and religions struggles. Walzer proposes an international sys¬tem lying between the antipodes, a thoroughly centralized global government under which all individuals are equal citizens of the world on the far left. As a result, such a system foresees the lack of sovereign states. On the far right, global anarchism, in which sovereign states are not subsumed by any meta-state struc¬ture. Kuhn provides a fundamental change in our vision of the discipline of International Relations, where the ontological side between access or denial World have a pivotal role. Kaldor affirms that the practice of International Relations and new War Economy are affected by factors emerged from globalization and transnational networks. All this entail to recast the study of International Relations as an emancipator system and the recognition of the centrality of Human Beings in the practice of International Relations for cooperation. If we are able to carry out this very ambitious End State, we can success. Hence, this research intends to evaluate the degree of the EU and the NATO commitments and impact on the Central Asia countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan), taking into account that changes in power structures could trigger violent confrontation between factions within States’ leadership.
  • XXV Ciclo
  • 1967


  • 2013-12-16T10:07:16Z
  • 2013-12-16T10:07:16Z
  • 2013-04-19
  • 1967


  • Doctoral Thesis


  • application/pdf

